The APO's 20 member countries have almost one-third of the world's population. Globalization, economic development, and industrialization have been widening the target group for APO activities. Because the demand for the training of human resources continues to increase, the APO has been diversifying its approaches. Recognizing the need to intensify its productivity drive and expand its reach to cover as many productivity stakeholders as possible by utilizing IT platforms, the APO started offering e-learning courses. They have been so well received after recent IT advances in member countries that this initiative has injected new life into productivity promotion efforts.
e-Learning courses are offered by the APO in a variety of formats: videoconferencing, Web (Internet)-based platforms for live sessions, and self-learning e-courses.
Innovative Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications in Agriculture
Expected time of completion: 10 hours
Smart Poultry Farming
Value-added Fruit Products
Blockchain solutions for improving Productivity in Agriculture
Expected time of completion: 20 hours
Smart Livestock Value Chains
Enabling Regulations for Agricultural Innovation
Hydroponic Farming
Management of Plant Factories
Expected time of completion: 21 hours
Sustainable Fisheries
Modern Food Retailing
Development of Social Enterprises for Agribusiness
Expected time of completion: 11 hours
Digital Technologies for Smallholder Farmers
Agricultural Insurance for Food Security
Apiculture Management
Expected time of completion: 40 hours
Future Aquaculture Farming
Expected time of completion: 22 hours
Smart Transformation of Agriculture
Innovations in Agroforestry Systems
Expected time of completion: 30 hours
Modern Food Distribution Systems
Innovative Cost-effective Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Inspection and Certification
Modern Food Storage and Transport Technologies
Building Climate Change-resilient Agriculture
Future Food: Exploring Business Opportunities
Urban Agriculture
Smart Farm Mechanization
Organic Agriculture and Organic Agribusiness
Food Safety Management (Advanced)
Agritourism Business Development
Food Safety Management (Basic)
Controlled-environment Agriculture
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
Expected time of completion: 50 hours
Agribusiness Management (Advanced)
Waste Management in Agribusiness
Michikazu Kojima
Eko Agus Prasetio
Magdalena L. Mendoza
Monica D. Saliendres
Udaya Mohan Devdas
Jairaj Mashru
Eva Diedrichs
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi
Yingying Zhang Zhang
Sangjun Bae
Koichi Murata
Eileen Tan Soon Choo
Olga Siemers
Atsuo Ikeguchi
Yuki Higuchi
Naohiro Shichijo
Dharmalingam Palaniappan
Hau Chen Mike Lee
Tim A. Mau
M. Jae Moon
Grace Cruz
Elma Laguna
J.C. Punongbayan
Sanny Afable
YoungKyung Ko
Boyne Hyun
Inez Zwetsloot
Adrian Campbell
Jay Rajasekera
Sounman Hong
Philip Sugai
Hideyuki Ezaki
Shaikh Tanveer Hossain
Waheed Ahmad
Deepak Pareek
Jan-Erik Johanson
Daniel Berckmans
George Wong
Paul Teng
Andrew Powell
Euyjoon Lee
Nicole Barling-Luke
Lynn Johannson
Graeme Hodge
Satoshi Komatsu
Kathrin Loer
C. V. Prakash
Carlo Bellini
Mrinmoy Chakraborty
Joji Morishita
Dennis Steentjes
Philip Eskenazi
Takayuki Mori
Ali Syed
Sanath Sukumaran
Joo Tan
Arutsothy Anamalai
Muralidhar Shenoy
Kevin Cheeseman
Vijayender Nalla
Thomas Robinson
James Chen
D Sreenivasulu
M Joel Franklin Asaria
Velayutham V
Varun J P
P Chitra
Quah Zheng Wei
Olena Sosenko
Ranjith Wasantha Kumara Punchihewa
Masato Endo
Sho Shirakashi
Goshi Kato
Motohiko Sano
Shuichi Satoh
Yutaka Haga
Katsuyuki Hamasaki
Shigeki Dan
Sakae Shibusawa
Nomita Sharma
Jonathan Star
Anndy Lian
Ms.Kamal Melvani
Aaron Magenheim
Dr. Takeo Shiina
David Hughes
Dean Parham
Sandhya Vennea
Prof.Jin-Wook Choi
Ashfaq Ahmad Chatta
Afton Halloran
Gerald Herrmann
Tofael Ahamed
Mogens Thomsen
Ananth Seshan
Shaharum Ashaari
Mohd Hilmi Idris
Saliza Saari
Shuhaimi Hamad
Therdchai Choibamroong
Abdul Kareem Sulaiman
Niña Maria Estudillo
Muhammad Saeed
Dr Louie A. Divinagracia
Nagesh Kumar
Rochelle Divinagracia
Gerard Bot
Syed Saquib Mohyuddin
Mohamed Ismail Mohammed Mowjood
Peter Dan Baon
Suryanarayanan Rajagopal
Howie Ng
Kit Chan
Kok Seng Yong
Hiroshi Tachikawa
Yun Fung YAP
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